Rest: A Divine Gift

Rest is a central concept in the Christian life embracing, on the personal level, sleep, serenity, sabbath and salvation. On a creational level, rest is the goal of creation and the result of salvation.

Your capacity to rest, as a follower of Christ and a leader at Vineyard Columbus, has theological and spiritual overtones: our rest patterns express what we really believe about God and life. Christians who truly rest understand two fundamental principles about God: 1) his model for rest as part of the rhythm of creation (Genesis 2:2) and 2) his continued work in this world (i.e. provision and protection) as we release from our work confident that we rest under the watchful eye of the “maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121).

Restless individuals, communities, and societies are out of sync with God’s purposes. Rest is a rhythm of life for the follower of Jesus and a matter of Christian growth in our journey with Jesus.

The word holiday originally referred to special religious (”holy” “days”) set aside for celebration, relationships, and rest from work. Why not change up the rhythms of your ordinary life as an individual and small group to take time to rest and celebrate life and yes, relationships with God and each other through the end of the year.

Here at Vineyard Columbus, we have worked hard to resources for a variety of people in this holiday season. Please note the Blue Christmas Service on December 20th at 7p (image below). This service, held at the Westerville Campus, is for those who are experiencing loss and are pausing to honor their journey of grief in this past year or over the course of a longer season of time.

Also, consider taking advantage of digital devotions (candle image) and our Colossians study guide (at the bottom of this page as well) as resources designed to enrich your time with God whether as an individual or as a group.

Finally, consider coming to celebrate with us on Tuesday December 6th. This party is an opportunity to celebrate – rarely recognized discipline that too provides rest. An RSVP isn’t necessary, but it is helpful.

For all these spiritual resources, including our holiday worship celebrations, our encouragement to you is to take rest and connect once again with the story of God as we finish this calendar year.

The peace of the Lord be with you all.

Pastor Stephen Van Dop & the Small Groups Team at Vineyard Columbus


Growing During Lent


21 Days: Setting the Table for Alpha Resources