12-for-12 Application - General

12-for-12 groups vary depending on their leaders, however all members sense an invitation from God to participate in a 12-for-12 group and make a commitment:

  • To meet once a month for approximately three hours, often with a pot-luck meal

  • To complete about 2-4 hours of homework a week (10-15 hours per month) between meetings, which involves reading, various spiritual exercises and practices, journaling, and other activities specific to individual groups and leaders

  • To pray for group members each month

  • To purchase inexpensive books and materials as needed

  • To practice honesty, vulnerability, and confidentiality, both during and outside of meetings

  • To participate in transparent sharing as part of the group’s interactions from the initial meeting

  • To give away to others what you gain through the group

  • To fulfill other commitments specific to your particular group

Frequent areas of focus include attentiveness to God in all things, solitude, silence, Sabbath and rest, formational approaches to prayer and the Scriptures, living in community, mission, experiencing the love of God, knowing God and ourselves, developing a rule of life, wisdom and discernment, calling and vocation, etc.

Once you have completed and submitted the following application, a leader will reach out to you within one week.